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News — Spill

What are the best practices for preventing spills within the workplace?

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What are the best practices for preventing spills within the workplace?

Preventing spills in the workplace is crucial to maintaining a safe and healthy work environment, protecting employees and the surrounding environment from hazards and avoiding costly clean-up and remediation efforts. Here are some best practices that businesses can implement to prevent spills within the workplace. Identify and assess the risks: Before you can effectively prevent spills, it is important to identify the hazards and assess the risks associated with the materials and processes used in the workplace. This can be achieved through regular hazard assessments, which can help you determine what materials and processes are likely to cause spills and...

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What are the Spill Containment requirements in the UK

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What are the Spill Containment requirements in the UK

In the UK, spill containment requirements are regulated by the Environmental Agency (EA), an executive non-departmental public body responsible for protecting and improving the environment. These requirements apply to all industries that store, handle, or transport hazardous substances, and are designed to prevent and mitigate the environmental and health risks associated with spills. One of the primary spill containment requirements in the UK is the need for businesses to have a spill response plan in place. This plan outlines the procedures and equipment necessary to respond to a spill, and must be regularly reviewed and updated. Businesses must also ensure...

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What is the difference between COSHH-compliant and non-compliant cabinets?

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What is the difference between COSHH-compliant and non-compliant cabinets?

Good housekeeping is imperative when reducing the likelihood of a spill or incident in the workplace. Our PSC COSHH cabinet range provides an ideal security solution for housing containers, liquids or spill response equipment, making it the perfect solution for minimising risk and helping to protect your customer's employees.What is the difference between COSHH-compliant and non-compliant cabinets?COSHH-compliant cabinets are designed and manufactured to meet the requirements of the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations, while non-compliant cabinets do not meet these regulations. COSHH-compliant cabinets are used to store hazardous substances in a safe and controlled manner, while non-compliant cabinets do...

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Spill Containment Regulations

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Spill Containment Regulations

Why are Spill Containment regulations essential? Spill containment regulations are an essential aspect of environmental safety and protection. In the UK, these regulations are put in place to ensure that companies and organisations take measures to prevent spills and, in case of an accident, contain and manage them properly. The UK spill containment regulations are designed to safeguard the environment, people's health and safety, and prevent any financial losses that may result from spills. The UK spill containment regulations apply to a range of industries, including manufacturing, transport, storage, and handling of hazardous materials, among others. These regulations are set out...

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