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There's been no shortage of news and updates regarding COVID-19, and we understand that is an uncertain time for many. We wanted to take this opportunity to write to you, our valued partners, to provide some reassurance and that we remain open for business. We have good levels of stock for the majority of our products and, at this time we are still able to ship out goods to your customers, as normal. We are also pleased to say that we have full operational capacity in both our sales and customer service departments, should you have any questions or queries.

We also wanted to update you on the steps we are taking to ensure the health and safety of our partners and team members. As per guidance, all drivers have been instructed to sanitize before and after arrival/departure and minimise interaction where possible. It goes without saying that, at Romold, the health and safety of your customers and our team is always our top priority.

We are continually monitoring the situation and ensuring we are following the latest government advice.

Thank you for your support, trust and patience during this uncertain period.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

01506 409973 | 

Kind regards,

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